Sugar Creek Music Club

Good News for all of you who are missing the music!

Three on a String - November 14, 2020
Click on a thumbnail to see a larger photo!
And the winner is...
And the winner is...
Jerry Ryan behind the whiskers.
Jerry Ryan behind the whiskers.
Andy Meginniss singing about his dog.
Andy Meginniss singing about his dog.
Bobby Horton playing for the prom.
Bobby Horton playing for the prom.
Jerry Ryan making a point.
Jerry Ryan making a point.
Jerry teaches Bobby how to play the trumpet.
Jerry teaches Bobby how to play the trumpet.
Brad Ryan and Andy Meginniss singing a happy song.
Brad Ryan and Andy Meginniss singing a happy song.
Bobby Horton coming on stage to a rousing clapping.
Bobby Horton coming on stage to a rousing clapping.
Zeb telling a story.
Zeb telling a story.
Zeb and Jeb in Holly Pond.
Zeb and Jeb in Holly Pond.
Merle and Pat
Merle and Pat
Sonny Gipson and the "head table"
Sonny Gipson and the "head table"
Garry and Merle
Garry and Merle
Enjoying the music!
Enjoying the music!
Enjoying the music!
Enjoying the music!
Enjoying the music!
Enjoying the music!
Gipson, party of four
Gipson, party of four
Enjoying the music!
Enjoying the music!
Santa isn
Santa isn't too sure about which list she belongs on!
Enjoying the music!
Enjoying the music!
Enjoying the music!
Enjoying the music!
Enjoying the music!
Enjoying the music!
Enjoying the music!
Enjoying the music!
Enjoying the music!
Enjoying the music!
Bobby has been good.  What?
Bobby has been good. What?
Brad Ryan, sawin
Brad Ryan, sawin' on a fiddle and playin' it hot.
Bobby Horton
Bobby Horton
Brad Ryan, sawin
Brad Ryan, sawin' on a fiddle and playin' it hot.
Andy Meginnis
Andy Meginnis

Bobby Horton
Bobby Horton

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the Sugar Creek Music Club