And the winner is... | 
Jerry Ryan behind the whiskers. | 
Andy Meginniss singing about his dog. |

Bobby Horton playing for the prom. | 
Jerry Ryan making a point. | 
Jerry teaches Bobby how to play the trumpet. | 
Brad Ryan and Andy Meginniss singing a happy song. | 
Bobby Horton coming on stage to a rousing clapping. | 
Zeb telling a story. | 
Zeb and Jeb in Holly Pond. | 
Merle and Pat | 
Sherry | 
Sonny Gipson and the "head table" | 
Garry and Merle | 
Besties | 
Enjoying the music! | 
Enjoying the music! | 
Enjoying the music! | 
Gipson, party of four | 
Enjoying the music! | 
Santa isn't too sure about which list she belongs on! | 
Enjoying the music! | 
Enjoying the music! | 
Enjoying the music! | 
Enjoying the music! | 
Enjoying the music! | 
Bobby has been good. What? | 
Brad Ryan, sawin' on a fiddle and playin' it hot. | 
Bobby Horton | 
Brad Ryan, sawin' on a fiddle and playin' it hot. | 
Andy Meginnis | 
Bobby Horton |